Nowadays, network technologies and internet have become structures on which all kinds of devices depend on, take an important place in our lives. Not only, pc, tablet or mobile phones, but all devices ranging from refrigerators to televisions, cars and subways are able to connect to the internet environment and provide data communications. Of course, this means an increase in the number of devices and diversity.
Applications operating in distributed architecture and the diversity in new generation devices of users benefiting from these applications set forth the importance of network management and security. Thus, active network management created a need for a dynamic system that can make its own decisions without personnel intervention. Performance management in data centers which are growing more and more and getting more complicated, is one of the important matters. Rapid increase in data centers and data density brought with it cloud computing, virtualization and similar technologies. Network components also progress in parallel with these technological developments and become flexible and easy to manage. By means of creation of a common language such as SDN, all active network equipment moved away from hardware-dependent approach like before and acquired a central management and planning. Thus, highly flexible, easy-to-manage networks being considerably efficient in terms of performance are obtained.
As 4S, we endeavor to play an active role by creating newer and quicker corporate solutions related to network technologies for our customers. In order to find answers for your questions of any kind about network technologies to find an optimum solution for your demands in the quickest way, you may contact us on [email protected].