As 4S Bilgi Teknolojileri, we work intensively to provide brand-independent, expedient, optimum and right solutions on backup which is a complementary factor of server systems and data storage mediums and one of the most important factors in catastrophic moments.
Independent from Server and Data Storage systems, we use hardware backup solutions of DellEMC, HPE, IBM and Oracle so as to meet the demands of our customers whatever the software and hardware products they use in the storage medium are. We have solutions starting with backup of a single server system to those enabling backup of a whole data center.
We position the product portfolio ranging from conventional tape units to tape libraries and virtual tape libraries upon your request in single backup projects and large-scaled projects containing backup. We complete the solution through software that is in compliance with the hardware we use in our backup solutions and integrate it quickly. Backup software of DellEMC, HPE, IBM, Symantec, CommVault are among the primary product families we use.
In order to find answers for your questions of any kind about backup solutions and to find an optimum solution for your demands in the quickest way, you may contact us on [email protected].